Share Your CPS Story Here

It is extremely important that as many people who have suffered from child protective services, either as a child living from foster to foster home, a mother who’s child was taken as a newborn right from the hospital, if you are fighting the never ending unjust system currently such as myself or even if your children were forcefully adopted out, though you or a family member wanted them. Please share your story!

It is very beneficial for you to speak about it, and if many attorneys see that enough families suffered from the department of social services they could put together a class action lawsuit, or the government may be forced to make changes due to the fact so many people are aware of the corruption within CPS. I encourage you to please share in comments or with me personally at .

It’s time that we let the government and CPS know we are not taking this anymore! I will post soon many ways to report individuals and your entire case.

Share Your CPS Story Here